«Словно в Мекке побывали». (Юрий Кочуров, Киров).
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It was recently
Friday, 27 April 2007
When on June, 23rd, 1996 in the city newspaper "Zara Urala " there was an announcement of marathon running planned through a week on mountain Konzhakovsky the Stone very few people from fans of productive leisure on the nature has paid to it attention. Even the mention in the announcement of names declared on start of the master of sports on Victor Vandysheva's marathon race and on Evgenie Gladkov's cross-countr has inspired nobody the candidate for the master of sports. Especially it was found out, that for the first time the conceived extreme marathon coincided on terms of carrying out with a Games of the Theological aluminium factory on track and field athletics, that automatically deprived workers of a factory with participation in new action. Means, and to count on any sponsor's help from a factory it was not eaningful.

However the question with transport was solved marvellously easily and simply. I have addressed to the editor-in-chief of our city newspaper and have explained a situation. Irina Pavlovna Stepanova at my presence has contacted director of the motor transportation enterprise # 12 Vasily Jakovlevich Chemaltdinov:
- Children have conceived interesting business - to run on Konzhak. It is a little of them - the 15-20 persons, and the employee of our newspaper participates. Help them, please, with bus. It is necessary on Saturday, on all the day.
- There are no questions. At 7.00 driver Anatoly Schneider will approach to the House of sports. Only appoint responsible for transportation of people.

And here in the clear solar morning the bus carries away us from the stuffy city shrouded by poplar down in heart of the Ural mountains. Us - fourteen person, conceived to lay a new route and this very day to return to road. Pensioners Albert Baranov and Galina Obrosova, Marina Mytskih from Karpinsk, its mum - Valentine Mytskih (Karpinsky Gorgaz), 60-years Victor Tchurkin (the senior from participants), Raisa Tchurkina (station of first aid), Anatoly Sychev (brick-works of "BAZ"), Anatoly Matsakov (a fire brigade # 58), Victor Vasin, Jury Vasin ("SFAG"), Dmitry Zykov ("Tumentransgaz"), Tatyana Nikishova (maternity hospital), the 9-years pupil of school #23 Alexey Nikishov (most younger), Alexander Nikishov (the city newspaper " Zara Urala ").

First three are going to run, and the new way to them will be specified by Marina. It works as the instructor of tourism of a children's camp site of the city of Karpinsk and repeatedly drove children on this route. Habitual to us the thread began in a place of crossing of the river Katysher with Kytlim's road, deduced on a glade on Konzhakovka, and from it through glade on a spring. But this distance did not suit us on length which did not suffice for a marathon distance. And we have decided to take advantage of a variant offered by Marina. The way forthcoming today ran at once from a motorway on road on export of a wood up to a hill, through it up to Konzhakovka, and after the river - is direct to a spring. That is 9 km of new road.

We do not have numbers, there are no judges, but we shall start together under amicable: " Ur! Forward! " All the first, debut - is always fine. But after years you understand, how much this marathon was best of everything, practically ideal - on weather, on mood, on state of health of participants. Thirty-degree heat, greens of a taiga and the blue sky with fluffy clouds, absolutely dry track and rare snowdrifts under pass. Our gym shoes have remained dry even on habitually marshy Jov's and a pretopmost plateau, someone thirst and exasperated everything, without exception-persuasive botflies. That fact, that the three running has reached top only five minutes before going, was not surprising, but natural. In our advantage there was a convenience of a track and equal, without differences, rise. They were detained with movement on a chaotic heap of boulders on edge Katyshersk canyon.

We did not coordinate a mountain site of a route, and its overcoming by different ways has turned out. At an output from a dwarfish wood they have directed to the left, to Katyshersk valley and have collected on its edge numerous combs and other rocks. Basically it was a running route familiar enough to us, but inconvenient because of relief differences.

We on the filled track have risen to Jov's Gate and from mountain Southern Jov, cutting off a plateau obliquely, have moved to the most flat step Konzhak. From here the way steadily and smoothly went upward, to top. Thus, we have almost involuntarily connected a new taiga piece of a way up to a spring and a new mountain site above a dwarfish wood where there was a track. So the line of a marathon popular nowadays "Konzhak" was born and has affirmed.

Items of a feed and the control then, naturally, was not, and we had a bite on all distance once. At top of barrels a unmerciful western wind, having forced to go down us hardly below where have eaten sandwiches.

Descent and way back in general resembled a fairy tale. Any slippery stone, any pool - only singing of birds, fluttering of butterflies and hum of botflies. On finish running and going has divided no more half of hour - for a way it has been spent from 9 till 10 o'clock. Naturally, among us there was no withdrawn, than any marathon subsequently cannot already brag. At Konzhakovka, in a shadow of rare birches, the happy and tired travellers the Rose Schneider has fed with a supper. Albert Baranov, ignoring very tasty tea, all for some reason asked some coffee. As if to it the activator for new run, repeated struggle and unknown overcoming was required.

- All distance dreamed of a drink of coffee. Strange: the heat, thirst, and me did not leave an idea on coffee, - it explained.
Anatoly Schneider has prepared it for a fragrant drink which was savoured long and with obvious desire....
In a year we have dissolved terms of carrying out of a marathon and a factory Games that has allowed to increase number of participants almost ten times - with 14 up to 121. On start send leading factory athletes: masters of sports on marathon race Victor Vandyshev and Alexander Kolzdorf, the master of sports on cross-countr Natalia Trofimchuk, candidates for the master of sports Anatoly Antipov and Marina Aleshechkina, first-rank sportsmen Michael Pavluhin, Valentine Kutuzov, Sergey Alikin, Alexander Teterevkov, Victor Vorontsov, Vladimir Shmyrov, Anatoly Andrianov.

For the first time the line has been cleared away and marked, items of a feed on which as volunteers worked workers of a factory- Victor Vasin, Damir Sabrekov, Inna Voronko, Anatoly Konjuhov, Lion Gardaburdskich, Oleg Gordin, Alexey Konjuhov, Nikolay Karelin, Olga Karelina, and also Jury Vasin, Dmitry Zykov, Maxim Titov, Ivan Vasin, Evgenia Balashova, Irina Baranova, Vladimir Kupalo, Olga Teterevkova are equipped. The main judge of competitions became Vladimir Smagin, its assistant - Victor Enns. Owing to Vladimir Vasilevich's participation the marathon was adjoined also with all active of club of fans of run "Contact". But the most important and, probably, defining for the future development of a marathon was participation in it of youthful sports school on cross-countr. And on start send not only pupils of different age, but also their teachers.

Vladimir Trofimchuk, Andrey Lobanov, Ildar Salimzjanov, Lyudmila Salimzjanova, Dmitry Mazalov, Vladimir Pagnuev which ran with the sons. Successful overcoming of a distance by many skiers has allowed a provincial marathon to enter in first ten Russian rating of marathons.
Next year on "Konzhak" there have arrived sportsmen from 23 cities of Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan. In a year on our line there were champions of Russia, the Europe, the world. For the fifth year of carrying out (in 2000 year) for the first time has expressed desire to become the sponsor of a marathon the Bogoslovsky aluminium plant.

In 2003 "Konzhak" wins first place in the country by quantity of participants and advances the Moscow international marathon of the world which is spent in city with the ten-million population. World champions on supermarathon race and bandy, on polyathlon and to sports orientation, and also the strongest in the world the climbers having the maximum award - " Gold Ice-axe " acted at us. In total on a difficult and interesting line there were representatives more than ten kinds of sports - runners, skiers, biathlonists, polyathlonists, boxers, karatekas, weight lifters, skaters, bicyclists, swimmers, football players, hockey players and even masters of an auto racing. And who in the future has wanted to adjoin courageous action under a name "Konzhak" who under the plausible excuse tried to give to this most beautiful action political or public painting, we shall remember, that sources of the big and good business had a city newspaper " Zara Urala", and its initiators were simple sitizens of Krasnoturinsk, enamoured in mountains, sports and romanticism.

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